The human being is biased by default, we limit this defect by recruiting after defined objective criteria representing wanted skill set, company values and personas.
A good recruiting process is actually more complex than it may seem. It starts with good planning and allignment. In our opinion all these factors need to be discussed per hire:

A good recruiting process is actually more complex than it may seem. It starts with good planning and allignment. In our opinion all these factors need to be discussed per hire:

For a person to know if she/he is motivated for the job, we have to be transparent and give as much information as possible. You as a candidate have to ask all the questions that are relevant to you.

For a person to know if she/he is motivated for the job, we have to be transparent and give as much information as possible. You as a candidate have to ask all the questions that are relevant to you.

Being part of the Friendsurance team means thinking new every day. We are bringing two worlds together: customer centric technical innovation and the insurance business.